The ChaosGrenade

Quick & Dirty Tabletop Role-Playing Games

Now on Neocities

2021-09-09 Blog R.E. Davis
The ChaosGrenade is now being hosted on Neocities.Org. If that name raises some slight nostalgia, it’s no coincidence, as it’s a nod to the old days of Geocities – back before social media when everyone had a website, and we “networked” through web rings. I figured it was time to quit piggy-backing off my brother’s webhost, and Neocities met all my needs. What does this mean for the site, exactly? Only that I’ve chosen to remain as a “static” web blog. Continue reading

Death and Return of The ChaosGrenade

2020-10-12 Blog R.E. Davis
The old blog site is dead. May this one endure. Last week I was made aware that adware had infiltrated my site. Certain pages and methods of access (like Google) resulted in redirects to spam and phishing sites. I have no ill feelings towards Wordpress, except as someone who infrequently blogs it was becoming a chore to keep up to date. Several times in the past I’ve had issues with plug-ins, themes, and even the software updates themselves. Continue reading