The ChaosGrenade

Quick & Dirty Tabletop Role-Playing Games

FABRICATED VENTURERS — a Classless Hack for Vieja Escuela

I have written a classless, patchwork/piecemeal character hack for Vieja Escuela. Taking advantage of the format of VE: Pamphlet Edition, it’s written as a modular variant to the Character Creation rules. Just swap out and use without changing the rest of the game! Or you can just print out, fold up, and tuck it in your original VE rulebook. The Concept Fabricated Venturers ditches classes. Everyone starts as a d6 hit die character, proficient in simple weapons and Leather armor. Continue reading

VIEJA ESCUELA: Pamphlet Edition

I have taken the core rules of Vieja Escuela (which I’ve praised on herebefore) and repackaged it. As the name implies, this version is intended to be printed out and folded into three “zig-zag” or “accordion” style pamphlets (Character Creation, Game Rules, & Tables). Of course, it also looks good on tablets, or printed out and left on their own. Do whatever pleases you! This was a first time project for me using Affinity Publisher, and I’m pretty happy to share the results! Continue reading

Rambling on: Vieja Escuela

2019-01-20 Rambling R.E. Davis
I’m mad at myself for not blogging about this until now. In the past year or so we’ve seen a lot of cool minimalist and “OSR-Adjacent” D&D clones come out. Black Hack 2e, Untold Adventures, and Knave are a few of the ones I enjoy. But the one that stole the show is a little booklet named Vieja Escuela, a Spanish RPG that had been translated to several languages (including English). Continue reading