The ChaosGrenade

Quick & Dirty Tabletop Role-Playing Games

WHITE STAR: A Rambling Review

2015-05-29 Rambling R.E. Davis
I have a curse where every time I say “I don’t need another OSR game!” I open up my wallet and acquire another one. **White Star **is written by James M. Spahn and released by Barrel Rider Games. The gist of it is they took the rules from Swords & Wizardry Whitebox and hacked it into their own super slick science fiction game. Now, I’m already a rabid fan of Kevin Crawford’s _Stars Without Number, _and I was hesitant to toss $10 at a lighter, simpler game. Continue reading

SHADOW OPS: Street Samurai

2015-05-07 Rambling R.E. Davis
Oh man, the Street Samurai. Years before I would know who Molly Millions was, I was a dorky 9 year old kid who laughed when my dad referred to my older brother’s weekend pastime as “Dungeons & Dumbass.” But then one Saturday morning, my brother had left out a book he borrowed from a friend. A book with a hot elf chick on the cover in cut off jeans, a book filled with gritty sci-fi urban landscapes, tribal shamans, and fantasy characters with electrodes plugged into their skull. Continue reading

SHADOW OPS: Elven Adept

2015-05-06 Rambling R.E. Davis
So, after playing **Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown **a bunch this week with Tim Kirk (of Silverlion Studios), I was inspired to whip-up **SHADOW OPS: Covert Ops in the Sixth World. **It’s a fan tribute to the Shadowrun franchise, inspired by the gameplay of the recent PC games using a mash-up of COVERT OPS and BareBones Fantasy from DwD Studios. I’m pretty happy with what I threw together between studying for finals, and the initial reactions from the BBF Community on G+ have been stellar. Continue reading


2015-05-05 fan stuff R.E. Davis

Shadow Ops: Covert Ops in the Sixth World is a fan tribute to the Shadowrun franchise, using a mash-up of Covert Ops and BareBones Fantasy by DwD Studios. Inspired by the streamlined mechanics and tactical play of the PC games in particular, it only seemed fitting to mix one of the biggest and best settings in the RPG industry with the fast-playing d00Lite system.

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Warrior, Rogue & Mage: Now CC-BY + SRD

2015-01-28 Rambling R.E. Davis
We here at ChaosGrenade Press want to boost the signal of some really amazing news! Michael Wolf (aka Stargazer) recently gave a big gift to the gaming community: Warrior, Rogue & Mage now has a System Reference Documentand that document is released under the Creative Commons Unported license! In human words, there is now a simple core document of the WyRM system that is completely open for reuse in gaming projects (even commercial ones) as long as proper credit is given (which is more than fair! Continue reading

Campsite Ambush: A BareBones Fantasy Sample Combat

2014-02-28 Rambling R.E. Davis
Combat using the BareBones Fantasy Rules can be a bit tricky: overall, it’s a pretty simple system to pick up and run. But it’s deceptive in its simplicity and flexibility — folks who are used to more detailed systems, like D&D, get thrown off by some of the streamlined rules calls. Others probably mistake the BareBones d00Lite system for being, well, lite. I enjoy this system because it falls under what I categorize more as “rules necessary. Continue reading


2013-12-13 Rambling R.E. Davis
**COVERT OPS **by **DWD STUDIOS **has launched ahead of schedule!  COVERT OPS is a modern day role-playing game of paramlitary action and espionage, using the d00Lite System (that same found in BareBones Fantasy.) At the risk of repeating myself any further, I’d like to point any new readers to my previews BBF Review and CO Preview: COVERT OPS Sneak Peek BareBones Fantasy Review All of the excitement I had previously remains. Continue reading

Sneak Peek: COVERT OPS from DwD Studios

2013-10-29 Rambling R.E. Davis
Today’s post falls on the anniversary of the BareBones Fantasy release. For those who missed out, BBF was a solid percentile based role-playing game that captured the joys and feels of traditional dungeon crawlers and fantasy games, but with very quick-playing rules and fast-paced charts that allowed you to stock your campaign world in a jiffy. (Feel free to recap with my full review.) After a very successful launch, BBF continued to be supported with a line of equal quality products that included a brush stroked campaign setting, a book of optional races, a few adventures and even a free e-zine with content provided from the community. Continue reading

Compelled by Fate (Accelerated)

2013-09-07 Rambling R.E. Davis
Summer comes to an end, and I find myself back in the college swing. Which means I’m taking a small break at the moment from REWIRED  after hammering on it the last few months. I’ve been trying to catch back up and see what’s been going on in the RPG communities, and checking out the current big titles these days. Dungeon World and 13th Age pop up a lot in my feeds, and they look real whiz but I can’t justify investing into more fantasy/dungeon crawl games, especially d20 variants. Continue reading
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